1. NAME:
The name of the Association shall be Gaynes Park Manners Way Allotments and Gardens Association.
The objects of the Association shall be:-
• To manage the allotment site Gaynes Park Manners Way as set out in the conditions of the Tenancy Agreement by Southend on Sea Borough Council.
• To promote the interests of all members in the gardening activities and to take joint action for the benefit of members.
• To conduct negotiations with the Local Authority for the use of garden land with the object of improving facilities, carrying out essential maintenance, preparation of consultation on allotment gardens for letting, producing publicity about availability of allotments and early consultation on allotment matters, e.g. proposed site changes, rent levels and reviewing the Tenancy Agreement which sets out responsibilities of the Landlord and the Tenant.
• To take action to protect members against damage, trespass and theft.
• To obtain a supply of seeds, fertilizers, tools and other horticultural equipment on behalf of members.
• Arranging competitions and social events.
• Co-operating with other garden associations and environmental organisations in matters of mutual interest.
The Association shall consist of such persons whose application for membership has been accepted, as stated below:-
Persons who are allotment tenants who have paid the annual subscription fee – they are voting members.
Associate members who have paid the annual subscription – non-tenants; they are non-voting members.
The use of term “member” within this Constitution shall mean a fully paid up member.
Every member shall pay upon entry into the Association an annual subscription as may be determined by the Annual General Meeting, to be included in the Agenda convening the Meeting, renewable on the 1st April each year.
Membership cards will be issued, signed by the Treasurer or a Committee Member, and renewed annually.
• Normally on the member’s death
• The member’s resignation
• The non-payment of subscription for the period of twenty eight days (28 days) from the due date
• The expulsion of a member under Rule 6 (six)s
NB: Plot rent, water rates and Association fees are non-refundable.
A General Meeting may (by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote), expel any member for conduct detrimental to the Association, e.g. in breach of their Tenancy Agreement or rules of the Association, provided that a notice specifying the conduct for which it is intended to expel is sent to the member at the address entered in the Register of Members, at least one calendar month prior to the date of the meeting, and they have had the opportunity to represent themselves at the meeting.
The Officers of the Association shall be a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer. They shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. Previous Officers can stand again No member shall hold more than one post on the Committee.
No two people residing in the same household, or related, shall be Officers of the Association,
The day to day management of the Association shall be conducted by the Officers plus a Committee of seven (7) full members.
The Committee shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.
Casual vacancies shall be filled by the Committee, and the members so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
A quorum shall be five (5) voting members.
The Committee shall meet to discuss issues relating to the Association every two months.
The Chairperson (in their absence any other Officer) shall chair all meetings of the Association and its Committee. The Secretary shall record the Minutes of each meeting, which will be sent to all Committee members within ten days of the meeting and be available to all members of the Association at reasonable notice.
The Committee shall have the power to expel from the Committee (on a majority verdict) any member who offends against the Constitution of the Association, or whose conduct renders the member unfit.
The Annual General Meeting should be held at such time as the Committee or a General Meeting shall decide. twenty (20) members shall form a quorum.
At the meeting the Audited accounts and Secretary’s report shall be submitted and the Officers and Committee for the ensuing year shall be elected.
Extraordinary General Meetings shall be called upon requisition in writing to the Secretary by at least twenty (20) members.
Items for the agenda of any General Meeting should be communicated to the Secretary, in advance, to allow sufficient time for inclusion at the meeting.
At least four weeks (28 days) advance notification of the date and agenda of any General Meeting shall be circulated to the members.
At the Annual General Meeting the accounts and Secretary’s reports shall be submitted. All fully paid up tenant members of the Association shall have one vote each.
In the event of a quorum not being present at an Annual General Meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to a date and time specified by the Committee, not less than fourteen (14) or more than twenty eight (28) days later, in order to circulate the new date and agenda according to the Constitution. In the event of a quorum not being present at an adjourned meeting, the members present shall be deemed a quorum for the meeting.
Emergency Action
The Chairperson and either the Secretary or Treasurer together may take any executive emergency actions required where it is not practicable for the business to be decided upon at a regular or special Committee meeting. These actions must be recorded and reported at the next Committee meeting.
No monies, property of the Association or any gain arising from carrying on the business shall be used other than for the benefit of the Association and its members, or any purpose chosen by resolution at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
All members of the Committee shall keep accurate records of their dealings on behalf of the Association and shall be entitled to claim reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the Association. Reasonable expenses will be agreed by the Committee. For reimbursement of monies paid out receipts must be given at all times, without exception.
Audited accounts of the Association should be available for inspection by members at the Annual General Meeting.
If at any Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the Association is passed by a majority of the members present, the Committee shall immediately, or on a date specified by the resolution, realise the assets of the Association.
Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to a similar organisation or charity of the Committee’s choice.
The Treasurer shall open a banking account in the name of the Association and all monies received from any source on behalf of the Association shall be paid into such account.
The Auditor shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting. They must not be members of the Committee, but otherwise any person, member or not, who has agreed to carry out the duty may be nominated and appointed.
Arrange such insurance in the name of the Association as the Committee deem necessary.
Membership of a National Association may be applied for, and it shall be a condition of membership to agree to pay such annual affiliation contributions as may from time to time be prescribed.
This Constitution will be agreed by members and has signed on behalf of the members.