What is Huntington’s disease?

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For more information about this visit hda.org.uk

We meet once a week, every Thursday,10.30am – 1pm  at the Ecko Club, Thornford Gardens, Southend, Essex SS2 6PU.

You’ll receive a warm and friendly welcome and benefit from a loving, supportive environment. The meetings include:

• Tea and cake • Friendly chat with like-minded people •
• Exercise and relaxation sessions (only if you want to take part!) •
• Regular visits from Alison Heavey our Specialist Huntington’s Disease Adviser (SHDA) •
• Updates on the very latest research •

If you’re unsure, please feel free to get in touch with David or Alison, who will be able let you know a little more.


Huntington’s disease is an illness caused by a faulty gene in your DNA (the biological ‘instructions’ you inherit which tell your cells what to do). If you have Huntington’s, it affects your body’s nervous system – the network of nerve tissues in the brain and spinal cord that co-ordinate your body’s activities.

Huntington’s can cause changes with movement, learning, thinking and emotions. Once symptoms begin, the disease gradually progresses, so living with it means having to adapt to change, taking one day at a time.

Living with Huntington’s disease can be very challenging. Getting the right information and support is vital and we’re here to help.


Some facts about Huntington’s:

Huntington’s is not something you can catch; it is inherited. Every child conceived naturally to a parent who carries the Huntington’s gene has a 50% chance of inheriting it.

· A genetic test can find out if you have the faulty gene.

· You can live with the faulty gene for years without symptoms, but if you do have it, at some stage you will develop symptoms. Doctors cannot tell you when this will be.

Huntington’s disease affects men and women. It usually develops between the ages of 30 and 50, but can start at any age. If you develop symptoms before the age of 20, this is known as Juvenile Huntington’s disease.

Although there is, as yet, no cure, you can learn to manage symptoms more effectively to improve your quality of life.

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