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The ‘Ron Willmott Community Site Cup’ — Judging Criteria 1. The entrance to the site—Gates and fence free from weeds and graffiti, is there a sign advertising the site? 2. The site—is the site clean and tidy and well managed? 3. The Trading Hut—is the trading hut clean and tidy, well managed, easy to get around, well laid out and labelled? 4. Tea hut/coffee mornings for members. 5. Toilets 6. Community events—is there an open day’s, does the Society hold a site competition/prize giving, does site have working parties, help and advice to new Allotment holders, newsletters. Does the Society collect for charities? 7. Group plots—does the site host plots for special groups and or organisations? 8. Portfolio.
SOUTHEND BOROUGH COUNCIL’S ANNUAL ALLOTMENT COMPETITION There are a number of cups awarded by Southend Borough Council to the Societies and their members rewarding high standards of cultivation and plantmanship on society sites. These are: The best 10 Rod Competition Each Society select and submits up to five 10 rod allotment plots from all the entrants on their site to be judged. Each plot can be awarded a maximum of 85 marks broken down as follows: Culivation and Neatness (maximum of 40 marks) Marks are awarded for a weed free, well managed plot, showing good hygiene, crop rotation, plantmanship and soil of a good tilth. Quality (maximum of 20 marks) Marks are awarded for healthy, vigorous vegetables free of pests and disease. Vegetable Varieties (maximum of 25 marks) One mark is awarded for every vegetable variety grown to a maximum of 25. Fruit and Flowers (maximum of 10 marks) Marks are awarded for the fruit and flowers grown on the allotment. Quality and cultivation of the fruit and flowers considered important. Compost Bins (maximum of 12 marks) Marks are awarded for neat, well used and constructed compost bins. Footpaths (maximum of 5 marks) Marks awarded for neat, mown, straight pathways. Collection of Rain Water (maximum of 3 marks) Marks are awarded for the collection of rainwater. Entries are judged towards mid June or the beginning of July depending on weather conditions. Total 115 marks. The best 5 Rod Competition Each Society selects and submits up to five, 5 rod plots from all the entrants on site to be judged. Each plot will be awarded a maximum of 95 marks broken down as for the 10 Rod plot with a maximum of 20 marks only awarded for cultivation and neatness. The Society Cup Competition The best three, 5 Rod plots and best three 10 Rod plots scores from each Society are added together with the Society with the highest score winning the Society Cup. The best New Plot holder for 5 and 10 rod plots This competition will be open to all new plot holders that have had their plots for no longer than 20 months, with separate cups for 5 and 10 rod plots. The judging criteria to be the same as for the best 5 and 10 rod competitions. The Gaynes Park Allotment Association was awarded the ‘Ron Willmott Community Site Cup’ in 2019 for the high standard of the allotment site. The various cups are presented by his Lordship the Mayor, at Porters, the Mayor’s residence at an official presentation in November. |
The Gaynes Park Allotment Association was awarded the ‘Ron Willmott Community Site Cup’ in 2019 for the high standard of the allotment site. |